Objectives & Goals


The West Coast Business Chamber is an organization of economically active business enterprises with the aim to build collective bargaining power, to serve group interests and to join forces in the creation of wealth and a business-friendly environment.


  • The integration of business people into an organization with a business perspective.
  • To promote business by giving industry guidance and counselling.
  • To provide practical services to its members and to protect them against any unfair measure that may affect them.
  • To address business opportunities that are in the interest of its members and make decisions and take measures for the implementation of such decisions.
  • To organize lectures and discussions about any commercial issue and, when necessary, submit motions for consideration to forums.
  • To institute a thorough investigation into any matter affecting the business world and to collect, process and distribute any information that may be of value to the members.
  • To promote any economic policy that benefits trade in particular or affects the economy in general.
  • To provide it’s members with assistance and guidance in matters affecting the establishment and expansion of business.
  • To generate more interest in business and trade through consumer guidance and joint advertising campaigns, thus encouraging the consumer to foster a more sympathetic attitude toward business and to not make unreasonable or unfair demands on the businessman. Also to encourage the consumer to report unfair business practices to the Chamber.
  • To promote sound principles of credit policy among its members and where lending is concerned, establish mutual cooperation of its membership wherever possible.
  • To work together with other organizations and associations that share the same objectives and goals.
  • To campaign for the training, guidance and preparation of young people in trade and industry, through support of formal and informal training, as well as the awarding of scholarships to promising young business people.
  • To obtain healthy and cordial cooperation between employers and to promote sound labour relations.
  • To encourage members to provide quality service and competitive pricing.
  • To encourage the public to buy local services and products.



Die Weskus Sakekamer is ‘n organisasie van ekonomiese aktiewe sakelui en ondernemings met die doel om ‘n gesamentlike bedingingsmag te vorm, groepsbelange te dien en kragte saam te snoer tot die skepping van welvaart en ‘n sakevriendelike omgewing.


  • Die samesnoering van sakelui in ‘n organisasie met sake-atmosfeer.
  • Om die sakelewe te bevorder deur bedryfsleiding en voorligting in die sakewêreld te gee;
  • Om praktiese diens aan sy lede te lewer en hulle te beskerm teen enige onbillike maatreël wat hulle mag benadeel;
  • Om besigheidsaangeleenthede in belang van sy lede te bespreek en besluite te neem en maatreëls te tref vir die uitvoering van sodanige besluite.
  • Om lesings te reël en besprekings te voer oor enige kommersiële onderwerp en wanneer nodig, beskrywingspunte vir kongresse in te stuur.
  • Om grondige ondersoek in te stel na enige saak wat die sakelewe raak en om enige inligting wat vir die sakelui van waarde mag wees, te versamel, te verwerk en te versprei.
  • Om enige ekonomiese beleid wat die handel in besonder of die ekonomiese lewe in die algemeen raak en wat tot voordeel van die sakewêreld strek, te bevorder.
  • Om sy lede in sake wat die oprigting en uitbreiding van sake ondernemings raak, behulpsaam te wees en hulle met hulp en voorligting te bedien, met dié voorbehoud dat die Sakekamer as sodanig nie self mag deelneem aan handel en nywerheid nie.
  • Om by die verbruiker deur middel van voorligting, gesamentlike reklameveldtogte en op enige ander wyse groter belangstelling in die handel te wek; hom te beweeg om ‘n meer simpatieke houding daarteenoor te neem en nie onbillike eise aan die sakeman stel nie, maar ook onbillike behandeling deur sakelui aan te meld by die Sakekamer.
  • Om gesonde beginsels van kredietbeleid onder sy lede te bevorder en wat kredietverlening betref so ver as moontlik onderlinge samewerking van sy lede te bewerkstellig.
  • Om met ander liggame en verenigings wat geheel of gedeeltelik dieselfde doelstellings nastreef, saam te werk.
  • Om gesonde en harmonieuse samewerking te verkry tussen werkgewers en gesonde arbeidsverhoudinge te bevorder.
  • Om hom te beywer vir die opleiding, voorligting en toerusting van jongmense in die handel en nywerheid, deur ondersteuning aan formele en informele opleiding, asook die toekenning van studiebeurse aan jong belowende sakelui.
  • Om lede aan te moedig tot kwaliteit diens en mededingende pryse met groter sentra.
  • Om die publiek aan te moedig om plaaslik te koop.


By joining the West Coast Business Chamber, you will help us become a stronger and more effective organization which can build a bright future for our community and our children.

“Membership benefits and advantages”

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“Read about our Membership benefits”


Networking and Business Events  –  Members Business Directory listing and your own web page
Consumer Exposure & Advertising opportunities  –  Instant Consumer Awareness, Credibility and Access
… and many more